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 ##이후 두번째 달부터는 제 날짜에 정기적으로 배송됩니다.

르 몽드 디플로마티크(프랑스어: Le Monde Diplomatique)는

프랑스의 일간지 르 몽드의 자매지인 국제전문 월간지이자

정치, 경제, 사회, 문화, 예술, 교육 등 전분야에 걸쳐 이슈를 다루는 매체이다.

프랑스어 외에 영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 일본어 등

73개국, 26개 언어로 발간된다.

Le Monde diplomatique (nicknamed Le Diplo by its French readers) is a monthly newspaper offering left-oriented analysis and opinion on politics, culture, and current affairs. The original French edition has a circulation of about 350,000; 38 editions in 26 other languages (more 33 electronic editions) bring the total to about 2.4 million readers worldwide.

First created mainly for a diplomatic audience as its name implies, it had a non-aligned, Third-worldist viewpoint throughout the Cold War. It practices nowadays advocacy journalism in taking an editorial stance based on alter-globalization.
As of March 2008 the paper is headed by Serge Halimi.