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 ##이후 두번째 달부터는 제 날짜에 정기적으로


Forbes, Inc. is a privately held publishing and new media company. Its flagship publication is Forbes, a bi-weekly magazine, with a circulation over 900,000. In August 2006, the private equity firm, Elevation Partners, became a minority shareholder in a newly formed company, Forbes Media, which encompasses Forbes magazine and Forbes.com, one of the leading business sites on the Web. Forbes.com reaches 18 million people monthly. Other Forbes Media websites are: Investopedia.com; RealClearPolitics.com; RealClearMarkets.com; and RealClearSports.com. Together with the Forbes.com Business and Finance Blog Network, these properties reach nearly 40 million business decision makers each month.[1] The company also publishes Forbes Asia, ForbesLife, and Forbes Woman magazines. In addition, Forbes has 10 local-language licensee editions in China, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkery. Forbes, Forbes Asia and the company's ten international licensee editions together reach a worldwide audience of more than 6 million readers.