발행국(Origin): 미국(USA) | 언어(Language): ENGLISH

| FQ : 격월간간(Year 6회) | 분야(CATEGORY): HEALTH

| 90 - 130 pages

(해외 잡지 주문시 필독 사항)

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 ##이후 두번째 달부터는 제 날짜에 정기적으로


About Women's Health Women's Health magazine is a woman's magazine focused on health issues.

The magazine's target audience is bright, active, and stylish women. Each issue contains many in-depth articles about nutrition, fitness, women's health issues, and lifestyle.

Detailed information about nutritional content of different foods and how to make food choices to be more energetic are featured in each issue.

Magazine covers feature a celebrity interview offering personal advice on staying fit, healthy, and happy.